Tag recording

Schoenhut Toy Piano

My grandparents kept just about everything. They kept pictures. They kept trinkets. They kept coffee cups, little figurines, and toys. They kept important things and seemingly meaningless things… They kept memories. It’s not something I appreciated anytime I went over…

Nascar! LOUD!

I went to my first Nascar race last weekend. It was LOUD! People had warned me about this, but I don’t think I quite understood it until I was there.

Learning to Record on Two Wheels

One of the things I’ve had almost no experience in until this year is onboard vehicle recording. To be honest, I probably  subconsciously avoided it for so long because of how difficult/time consuming it can be to get right. There’s a lot…

Lifting Michigan Avenue

One of the things Chicago is known for is it’s some what infamous river. The Chicago river (as beautiful as it is today) was once so sludged full of sewage and other waste that rats could run across the build-up on the…

Trains Through Glass

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nkI3uyI6Ow&w=640&h=360] I’ve been a little bit obsessed with contact microphones lately. Recently, a personal project (that I hope to share soon!) led me to renting a very nice microphone: the Barcus Berry 4000 Planar Wave System. I mainly wanted…

Homemade Contact Microphone

A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to make a contact mic with my class at Columbia College Chicago. I’ve been interested in contact mics for a while now, but for whatever reason haven’t actually picked one up to…

NATO Protest Chants 2012

Hate it or love it, NATO is here in Chicago. While the summit doesn’t start until tomorrow, the expected protests are in full effect. This morning I found out about a march toward Rahm Emanuel’s home in the Ravenswood neighborhood.…